A quiet hill station near Delhi

Lansdowne, was o riginally called Kaludanda a fter Kalu (Black) and Danda (Hill) in Garhwali . After the British came to India, they called it Lansdowne, after Lord Lansdowne , the then Viceroy of India (1888-1894). On 5 November 1887, the first battalion of Garhwal Rifles shifted to Lansdowne from Almora. In the late 1870s Lansdowne was the only city after Almora and it was developed as a Recruits Training center for Garhwal Rifles . Presently Garwal Rifles has its command office here. During the freedom struggle it also became a major place for activities of the freedom fighters from British Garhwal . Garhwal Rifles Command Office View of Lansdowne from Tip n top. It is one of the closest (from Delhi) and quietest hill stations of India in the Pauri Garhwal district of Uttarakhand and is well connected with motor able roads. It is situated at an altitude of 1,706 mts above sea level surrounded with thick oak and blue pine forests. ...