Boxing Day Sales - Melbourne

Today had a chance to enjoy Boxing Day Sales in Melbourne.

In most Commonwealth countries such as Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, December 26 is celebrated as Boxing Day and is a holiday. 

Traffic on the road leading to High Point Shopping Centre

This custom originated in the middle of 19th century under Queen Victoria in England. Traditionally this day is spent with family and friends at open gatherings with lots of food, fun, friendship and love. On that day it was the custom for tradesmen to collect their Christmas boxes or gifts in return for good and reliable service throughout the year. The traditional celebration of Boxing Day included giving money and other gifts to charitable institutions, needy individuals, and people in service jobs. It may have begun with the lords and ladies of England, who presented Christmas gifts in boxes to their servants on December 26. 
Crowds @Food Courts

 Inside the Shopping Mall

 Discounts range from 20% to 70%

 To control crowds some store restrict the time a shopper can spend inside the store to a bare minimum of 15 mintues

 Even the cash counters see a Queue

 Even Jewellery has a 50% discount

Most of the markets, Shopping Malls and Food Courts are crowded with retail buyers. This year Australians are expected to splurge over $2.1 billion on day one, i.e. today.


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